TMS Issue Tracking - QA and Production

EDI 214 LTL Re-Rate Trigger

The expected behavior after the pickup status message, AF, updates the load is to re-rate the EL using the actual qty and actual weight.

Looking at PYLE 430719757, 430719724, 430719732, after applying the status message to the load, the re-rate trigger did not fire. These loads were applied by a user from the unmatched status messages report using the apply to load function.

  • Astrophel Evora
  • Jul 7 2020
  • MercuryGate Review
  • Attach files
  • Astrophel Evora commented
    July 20, 2020 20:22

    Email with Charles titled: RE: Re-Rates on IB 214 messages. Will need a call as the email discussion is not giving us sufficient direction on what needs to be done to make the re-rate work. Need the data location so actuals can be used in the re-rate

  • Kayvan Shadpour commented
    July 17, 2020 20:24

    Confirmed that by adding the reference PRO (not through Set Arrival/Departure), triggers the matching. However this still does not address the item Qty/Wt updates, which means a re-rate does not succeed

  • Kayvan Shadpour commented
    July 17, 2020 20:00


    When Geno manually updated PU Arrival and Delivery arrival times, at the same time, the Pro was also entered, which surprisingly automatically triggered the updates pending on tracking to match. However those load updates did not include Qty/Wt updates, therefore we are still not sure if it would also possibly trigger a rerate, if the item update is also included in the updates.

  • Kayvan Shadpour commented
    July 17, 2020 17:59

    Charles Fri 7/17/2020 9:48 AM :
    PB custom EDI-214 implementation is a loader not a Custom RulesSet. It will work only on import. If it was implemented as a custom ruleset that would have been different (The rule would have kicked in even doing it manually).

  • Kayvan Shadpour commented
    July 16, 2020 20:52

    We went through LD13775 with Astro & Geno. It appears that we may require Charles input on reasons why we are not getting a rerate once we manually match an update

  • Astrophel Evora commented
    July 09, 2020 17:26

    Check that the DRS triggers for 4 different methods of updating an LTL load.

    1. normal EDI 214

    2. manual update and item update

    3. manual application of tracking message from Tracking report

    4. Automatic mapping of feedback from FastTrak