TMS Issue Tracking - QA and Production

Automate Ref: PO Number

Would like the Ref: PO Number derived and applied to each SO and applied to the SN

  • I don’t expect the development cost to be too much as the PO Number is really just a contracted form of the Ref: BOL

Geno, maybe you can take the BOL, truncate it on both ends and apply the result as a Ref: PO Number?

  • Kayvan Shadpour
  • Feb 1 2021
  • Pitney Bowes Review
  • Attach files
  • Kayvan Shadpour commented
    February 05, 2021 19:52

    Based on our discussion with Geno, there is no chance of auto populating the PO number by setting up a DRS.

    Therefore we should put this idea on an Ace ticket to have MG's estimates (time and cost).
    Proposed wording attached