Geno wrote on Tue 7/13/2021 3:06 PM: The BOL issue is resolved. It was the mode on the customer contract used in the design and promo of the spend delegation configurations to PROD. Regarding the custom logic, loads with a shipment type ending in “IB” are required to have LTL as the mode unlike all the others that accept LTL or TL in order to invoke the custom code and create the custom BOL.
For the loads that were created yesterday and did not have a BOL reference:
We re-rated the customer loads that had truckload as mode to invoke the new contract (which is now LTL) and then re-added the ‘pre-plan’ activity(in complete status) to the EL which completes the requirements of the custom code logic and creates the BOL reference.
Today we have noticed that 4 loads of the 12th are still not having BOL
LD104189, LD104516, ...
Geno wrote on Tue 7/13/2021 3:06 PM:
The BOL issue is resolved. It was the mode on the customer contract used in the design and promo of the spend delegation configurations to PROD. Regarding the custom logic, loads with a shipment type ending in “IB” are required to have LTL as the mode unlike all the others that accept LTL or TL in order to invoke the custom code and create the custom BOL.
For the loads that were created yesterday and did not have a BOL reference:
We re-rated the customer loads that had truckload as mode to invoke the new contract (which is now LTL) and then re-added the ‘pre-plan’ activity(in complete status) to the EL which completes the requirements of the custom code logic and creates the BOL reference.