TMS Issue Tracking - QA and Production

Comma Separated BOL Reference value

Even though we addressed TMS-I-113 and now we have BOLs in separate lines (when multiple), but we still have a line with the BOLs being comma separated, when user is asked to produce a fresh set of BOLs on a load (i.e. to send out a new ship plan).

Based on an earlier DRS, user has been instructed to remove BOLs form all shipments, CLs and EL, then add activity Pre-Plan to the load, which activates the BOL regeneration via the custom code. Then user can send the ship plan.

Users often miss the BOL line with multiple comma separated BOLs.

Ask is to have that concatenated entry removed.

  • Kayvan Shadpour
  • Dec 1 2021
  • Product Triage
  • Attach files
  • Kayvan Shadpour commented
    December 01, 2021 21:00

    Since it appears that the comma separated entry is done by the custom code, the closest solution appeared to be removal of that entry afterwards care of DRS.

    Geno tried the idea in QA, by filtering reference type BOL, if reference BOL's value contains ",".

    But since the DRS command is to remove reference of type BOL, it removes all BOL reference entries, not just the one with commas!

    We still need to look into this to see if there are other ways of achieving the desired outcome.