Requester: The Linehaul Team
Request story: The linehaul team needs to be able to differentiate true adhoc bookings (loads that are created out of schedule, within 60 hours of the target ship date/time) from those that are imposed by a carrier problem (driver problem, asset problem, etc).
Solution: Proposed to add a new value option of “AdHocREC” (REC stands for Recovery) to the existing line up of values on the load’s reference field of “Extra”.
New line up of values for the load level reference of “Extra” are:
AdHoc24 Load creation date/time is <= 24 hours form date/time of target ship early
Added care of a dynamic ruleset in MG at the time of load creation. Not available for manual entry
AdHoc48 Load creation date/time is > 24 hours and <= 48 hours form date/time of target ship early Added care of a dynamic ruleset in MG at the time of load creation. Not available for manual entry
AdHoc60 Load creation date/time is > 48 hours and <= 60 hours form date/time of target ship early Added care of a dynamic ruleset in MG at the time of load creation. Not available for manual entry
AdHocREC Recovery AdHoc requested/imposed by carrier (internal or 3rd party) To be added manually by user in the appropriate circumstance
Snowflake Changes: This request imposes no change to the TMS tables in Snowflake. The only change required on other platforms/dashboards/reports which feed off Snowflake’s Load Performance table is to account for the new value in the existing “Extra” field, should their logic depend on this field’s data.
(No team expressed logic dependency prior to implementation)
Informed LH and stake holders that it was implemented
Friday, January 7, 2022 5:04 PM
By Friday noon (deadline) following teams were OK with the changes:
Kishore Padibandla <>; Uma Alwarsamy <>; Mahaley Huddleston <>; Amit Gupta <>; David Mejia <>; Ishan Trikha <>; Seth Knight <>; Anthony Bowers <>; Anusha Papineni <>; Kinjalk Mohan <>
TMSCore <>
Communicated with stake holders to be sure nobody's logic has dependency on the old values.