Since we have a reference called “TONU” which users can manually add, we were wondering if you could put in a DRS to add/update this reference with a static value of “TONU” on a trigger of user initiating activity Assign TONU.
We have noticed that users were failing to update this reference, assuming that the TONU activity would do so. Therefore it has been impacting our finance reports.
Geno created this DRS (OID: 78747710738) in Prod, after testing in QA.
With this new dynamic ruleset, when users trigger activity Assign TONU, the activity initially gets a Pending status and then Completes. The Ref: TONU gets added to the load with the value for TONU once the Assign TONU activity gets Pending status.
As a result, now we can revise the SOP (again) to reflect the fact that the reference is being added automatically as part of the activity Assign TONU.