With the new reorganization of transportation users and the need for Facility Transportation managers/supervisors to see entire movements in and out of their facility, and to update or set arrival departures, we noticed that the LSP Operations role used for them was lacking the Set Arrival Departure ability.
LSP Operation users have been informed about the new change
I found no way to enable it in Legacy view.
I had to do it on the Route Board.
Revised some configurations on LSP Operations Role. (preserved old configs in Prod as another role called LSP Operations - Old).
Also revised and repurposed the OPSSupervisorezVision workflow and used it for te LS Operations "Route Board ID"
To update the OPSSupervisorezVision workflow, On TMS Admin enterprise (because role is here) I went to Admin>Current company>Configs>Activities
Made sure I remove the activities related to rate assignment, tendering, authorize detention, invoices, ...
Saved and placed this workflow in the LSP Operation role's Route Board ID