TMS Issue Tracking - QA and Production

What is Failed Extract? - Finance Workflow

As one of the out of the box reports for Finance, we wonder what is the criteria for "Failed Extract", and what is the user supposed to do if invoices appear there?

  • Kayvan Shadpour
  • May 6 2020
  • Pitney Bowes Review
  • Attach files
  • Astrophel Evora commented
    May 21, 2020 19:15

    Review with line haul to let them know the process.

  • Kayvan Shadpour commented
    May 08, 2020 17:13

    As per integration, the finance user should report a failed extract to the manager and admin to look into the audit log to identify the issue

  • Kayvan Shadpour commented
    May 08, 2020 17:12

    Geno checked with MG Integration to understand reasons of failed extract and what to do if happens