TMS Issue Tracking - QA and Production

Activity Walk Through- Authorize Detention

LD5541 UNK1 2349093 - current state is Authorize Detention

Carrier cannot see this load in the portal

Email string with carrier is: Newgistics # 6596

  • Astrophel Evora
  • May 7 2020
  • Pitney Bowes Review
  • Attach files
  • Astrophel Evora commented
    May 21, 2020 19:07

    Triggered when the wait time is exceeded. The activity is for the transportation user and is visible on the Activity Board under Delivered Loads > Detention.

    User can enter any code and dollar amount.

    Activity updates the Carrrier rate so it will be in alignment with the invoice.

    Dollar amount is trackable in reporting under Carrier Total Detention